26 August 2009

For All Aspiring Writers (and Their Friends)

Two things to make you smile.

This is a trailer for a movie I think I need to see.

And this is one of the extras from the DVD of Black Books that I mentioned a while back. I love this! Sorry, this clip can't be embedded for some reason.

13 August 2009

Another Round of Queries

I've sent the young adult historical fiction query to more agents. Since I returned from vacation, I've been remiss in querying.

I have remedied that today!

Between writing and work at the library, I feel like I'm barely treading water. Fortunately, summer will soon be over, so I think I'll be able pull myself up. Ah, the life of a public librarian – busy in the summer, but getting some rest during the school year.

01 August 2009


I can't believe I've had this blog for over a year, and I didn't even realize it. Where has the time gone?